5 Tips for Low Maintenance Landscaping for Your Manufactured Home

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By Ashley Hanson

Updated: May 08, 2024

8 min read

A landscape with pink flowers
Photo: Proven Winners

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    One thing that can make a major difference in your home's curb appeal is landscaping. The trees, greenery, and planters of colorful flowers create a pleasant vibe and, of course, are nice to look at. But, one thing is for certain—landscaping takes a lot of work. It often requires some heavy lifting, the ability to get up and down easily, and yes, kneeling to get those plants into the ground.

    If you are living in a 55+ manufactured home community such as the gorgeous Lavender Meadows in Sequim, Washington, then the chances are that you no longer have the mobility to do all that work. And more so—you might not get the joy out of those intense landscaping projects quite like you used to. That’s why low-maintenance landscaping options are so desirable.

    Low Maintenance Landscaping Boosts Curb Appeal, and Your Home’s Value

    A recent article from Bankrate suggests that landscaping can increase a home’s value by as much as 15 to 20%. And even more importantly, you don’t need to spend your emergency savings to get that bang for your buck. At most, the article suggests that spending as little as 10% of your home’s value can help you experience that return.

    We’re here to tell you that you don’t even need to spend that much to increase your home value and make sure that your outdoor space looks good to you, and those driving by. With these five low-maintenance landscaping tips, you’ll be sure to create an oasis within an oasis that requires little upkeep and won’t drain your pocketbook.

    Container Gardening

    Container gardening is ideal for manufactured home landscapes because it's versatile and manageable. Use containers to grow hardy perennials like hostas or ferns, which thrive in the Pacific Northwest's climate. Containers can be easily moved to protect plants during colder months and rearranged to refresh your space's appearance without the need for extensive physical effort.

    Perennials Over Annuals

    Opt for perennials, which will return year after year, reducing the need for replanting. Species like sedum, salvia, and the lovely, low-maintenance lupine flourish in the region's climate, providing lasting color with minimal upkeep. Perennials also tend to deepen their root systems over time, enhancing their drought resistance and reducing the need for watering.


    Evergreens are a cornerstone of low-maintenance landscaping. They offer year-round color and structure with very little maintenance required. Dwarf conifers and shrubs like boxwood or juniper are particularly suited for cooler climates and will keep your home looking lively even in the dreariest winter months.

    Stay in Your Zone

    Stick to native or well-suited plants for your specific growing zone to ensure they thrive with minimal intervention. For reference, most of Washington state is covered by zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. You can find out the specific zone for where you live online or by asking at a local gardening store.

    This approach reduces the likelihood of plant disease and lessens the need for chemical treatments. Consider plants like rosemary and lavender that grow well in the Pacific Northwest and add a soft splash of color and fragrance to your garden.


    Applying a thick layer of mulch around your plants inhibits weed growth and helps maintain soil moisture. This reduces the need for frequent watering, which means less work and less drain on your water bill (pun intended). Mulch glue also adds a neat appearance to the garden and provides essential nutrients to the soil as it decomposes.

    Other Tips for Low-Maintenance Landscaping

    Aside from choosing the right plants and methods, timing is everything in low-maintenance landscaping. Check the weather forecasts to plan your planting after the last frost—usually around early April in Washington. This timing prevents frost damage to new plants, ensuring they have the best start.

    When working outdoors, protect yourself by choosing the right time of day. Early morning or late afternoon is best. The sun is less intense then, which is easier on your skin and your body. Midday sun, especially in summer, can be harsh and lead to overheating or sunburn, making gardening tasks more strenuous and less enjoyable.

    Low Maintenance Landscaping is the Best Option for Manufactured Home Community Living

    You don’t need to invest in back-breaking landscaping to make your manufactured home look absolutely amazing from the outside. By following these simple tips, not only will you love the end-result, but your pocketbook will thank you. After all, the whole goal of 55+ manufactured home community living is to create an easier lifestyle, giving you more time to enjoy all the things you love.

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