Why All the Leaves Fell Off My Fiddle Leaf Fig and How to Fix It?

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By Ashley Hanson

Updated: Jan 18, 2025

8 min read

All The Leaves Fell Off My Fiddle Leaf Fig
Photo: @leaf_me_alone_plants

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    Fiddle-leaf figs are among the most beautiful plants you can keep indoors, so it's alarming and concerning when your beloved plants shed their leaves, leaving you wondering why. There could be many reasons your fiddle-leaf fig is dropping its leaves.

    Can You Revive Your Fiddle Leaf Fig?

    You can revive your fiddle-leaf fig when it is shedding its leaves and is not healthy, but knowing the reasons for this is very crucial. A fiddle-leaf fig can be revived only under certain conditions; if the tree is damaged beyond repair, it is almost impossible to revive it.

    Let's Discuss the Reasons for Fiddle-Leaf Figs Dropping Their Leaves

    There are many reasons for a fiddle-leaf fig to shed its leaves; however, knowing the four main reasons for this issue can help you identify what is wrong with your plant, helping you resolve and revive it. The key to keeping your fiddle-leaf figs healthy is to identify the causes of leaf drop. Let's discuss the leading causes.

    Dropped Leaves of Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant
    Photo: @fiddleleaffigplantresource

    Leaf Drop Due to Shock

    If a plant is overwatered, underwatered, propagated incorrectly, or kept in unsuitable temperature conditions, it could go into shock. So, if your fiddle-leaf figs are shedding leaves, check for these reasons. Consider if you've made any changes to the watering routine or moved your plant to a less suitable environment.

    Leaf Drop Due to Root Rot

    Overwatering can cause root rot in your fiddle-leaf figs, similar to some other plants, as it creates ideal conditions for fungal growth. This leads to the fiddle-leaf fig losing its root health, with roots turning brown from their original firm white color. When this happens, the plant is unable to absorb water or nutrients, causing leaf drop.

    Here are signs you can look for to analyze your fiddle-leaf figs and check for root rot:

    • Yellowing Leaves: Check if the leaves are turning yellow.

    • Wilting Foliage: Look for wilting leaves or stems.

    • Abnormal Leaf Drop: Observe if there is an excessive drop of leaves.

    • Mushy, Smelly Soil: Check if the soil feels mushy or has an unpleasant odor.

    • Slimy, Blackish Roots: Inspect for slimy, discolored roots or stems near the root.

    Leaf Drop Due to Pests

    Pests are a hazard for plants as they damage their leaves, causing them to drop. Pests like spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, and aphids can ruin your fiddle-leaf fig's leaves, leading to leaf drop.

    Check for these signs if you suspect pest growth:

    • Spider webs: Look for fine webs on or around your fiddle-leaf fig, which indicate spider mites.

    • White or brown bugs: Check for mealybugs (white) or scale insects (brown) around or on your plant.

    • Sticky residue on leaves: Notice any sticky residue on the leaves, which may be honeydew from aphids or scale insects.

    • Brown or reddish spots: Observe brown or reddish spots on dropping leaves, which can indicate pest damage or secondary infections.

    • Tiny holes on leaves: Look for tiny holes, which may be caused by chewing pests.

    Leaf Drop Due to Dryness

    The fiddle-leaf fig needs a humid and warm environment to survive and thrive, similar to the conditions in African rainforests where they are native. Keeping your fiddle-leaf figs in an environment that sucks its moisture, such as air-conditioned spaces, may cause the plant to dry out and drop its leaves.

    These signs will help you determine whether your fiddle-leaf fig is thriving or barely surviving:

    • Observe the tips and edges of the leaves to see if they are turning brown.

    • Check if the leaves are dry and crispy; if you find them dry, your fiddle-leaf fig needs help.

    • Look for the branches that are becoming brittle. This is a sign of poor health in fiddle-leaf fig.

    • Note any discoloration of the leaves or the entire plant. If found, take measures to prevent further damage.

    How to Maintain Fiddle-Leaf Figs?

    Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Inside House
    Photo: @thebalconygarden

    If your fiddle-leaf figs are shedding leaves, here are some maintenance and care tips to consider:

    Maintain Consistency in Care

    Maintaining fiddle-leaf figs can be challenging, but you can ensure their well-being with consistent care. Make sure to regularly water your fiddle-leaf figs, keep them in pots with proper drainage to remove excess water, and monitor temperature and humidity. If you find pest development, treat your plants and soil to get rid of them.

    Clean the Fiddle-Leaf Figs

    Cleaning your fiddle-leaf fig is important to remove dust and debris buildup. Use a damp cloth to gently clean the leaves and ensure they remain free from dust. This helps the plant absorb sunlight more effectively and supports overall leaf health, potentially reducing unnecessary leaf drop.

    Pruning for Growth

    Pruning helps keep your plants tidy and clean, promoting the growth of new leaves by removing damaged and dead leaves, which can cause leaf drop and bring poor health to your plants. Just like any other plant, fiddle-leaf figs require pruning to help keep them healthy.

    Using Fertilisers

    Fiddle-leaf figs need proper care and an appropriate environment to thrive. Using fertilizers can help provide necessary nutrients and nourishment, support plant growth, and reduce the likelihood of leaf drop.

    Fiddle-leaf figs can be treated and revived if issues are noticed on time. Analyze your plant for potential reasons for leaf drops to address them. Make sure to provide consistent care, such as adequate watering, maintaining proper temperature and humidity, cleaning, pruning, and fertilizing as required.

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