15 Garden Bushes with Red Berries

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By Ashley Hanson

Updated: Jul 16, 2024

8 min read

Bushes With Red Berries
AI Generated Image: Heaven Gables

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    Red Berries are healthy as they have an abundance of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which are widely used in enhancing desserts, drinks, and dishes. In addition to their health benefits, the red berry bush around your house looks exotic and provides you with a clean and elegant atmosphere.

    A Must-have Winterberry Holly

    Winterberry shrubs and native deciduous hollies beautify winter landscapes with soft oval leaves and vibrant red berries. Female plants produce these berries, requiring nearby males for pollination. Buying in autumn ensures fruit presence, with a recommended ratio of one male for every 3-5 female shrubs within 50 feet or nearby male plants.

    Winterberry Holly
    Photo: @seattlecenter

    Thriving in USDA zones 3-9, they prefer moist, well-draining soil and at least four hours of daily sunlight. Regular watering is essential, as they are not drought-resistant. Despite birds favoring other berries, winterberry remains a vital food source, attracting butterflies and offering holiday decorations. Adding it to your yard brings a colorful winter touch.

    Cultivating Heavenly Bamboo

    Heavenly Bamboo With Red Berries
    Photo: Paris Cote Jardin

    Heavenly Bamboo, originating from eastern Asia, thrives in Arizona's mountains with its vibrant colors year-round. It features slim stems, textured leaves, white spring flowers, and striking red berries in winter. Best planted in autumn, it needs full to partial sunlight and well-draining soil, growing up to 7 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Care involves constant watering and seasonal fertilization in the first year. Various cultivars, like 'Firecracker' and 'Pygmaea,' offer unique traits. Minimal pruning is preferred for its natural shape, but light annual trimming promotes fullness.

    The Enhancement of Evergreen Dogwood

    Evergreen Dogwood
    Photo: Gardening Chores

    The small, dense evergreen plant can grow up to 8 meters tall under ideal conditions, featuring dark green, leathery foliage and abundant small to medium-sized flowers surrounded by large, buttery yellow petals. Its red strawberry-like fruits are popular among birds, making it an attractive ornamental addition with a spreading growth pattern. Evergreen dogwood trees, native to East and Southeast Asia but adaptable to warm climates worldwide, can reach heights of up to 50 feet, with fragrant summer flowers and distinctive, edible fruits clustered in pink to red hues. Proper care involves providing sun or shade, moist soil, and starting from cuttings for timely flowering and fruiting.

    The Remarkable Strawberry Tree

    Strawberry Tree
    Photo: Crocus

    The strawberry tree, native to the Mediterranean, is prized for its fruit and recognized for its ecological role in restoring ecosystems. With dark green leaves that persist year-round, it produces round, rough-surfaced fruits that ripen in autumn, offering a vibrant contrast to its foliage. Its prolonged flowering period, from autumn to February, ensures a continuous cycle of flowers and fruits, aiding its widespread propagation. Beyond its culinary and industrial uses, such as brandy production and tanning, its resilience to fire and rapid regeneration make it invaluable in degraded environments. Additionally, it serves as a vital food source for pollinators during the autumn and winter months.

    The Ecological Impact of Linden Arrowwood

    Linden Arrowwood
    Photo: Great Garden Plants

    Originating from East Asia, this deciduous shrub was brought to the United States in the early 1800s for its aesthetic appeal. Its late spring blossoms of creamy white flowers and subsequent clusters of vibrant red berries make it visually appealing. These berries are favored by various bird species, aiding in seed dispersion and contributing to their spread beyond cultivation in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions. Reaching heights of over 15 feet, linden arrowwood forms dense thickets, obstructing sunlight essential for surrounding vegetation. Its vigorous reproduction and persistent foliage have resulted in the displacement of native plants.

    A Look at the Spindle Tree

    Spindle Tree
    Photo: iNaturalist

    The European Spindle Tree is a tall, erect deciduous shrub or small tree with typical Euonymus traits, thriving in woodland, scrub, and hedgerows across Europe, often on calcareous soils (Soils containing calcium carbonate). Like other Euonymus shrubs (evergreen shrubs with spectacular fall color), it's toxic if consumed in large quantities, including its berries and flowers. Due to its weedy and potentially invasive nature, it's advisable to opt for alternative shrubs. Its flowers are inconspicuous, about half an inch in size, and yellowish-green, blossoming in mid-spring, while its foliage transitions from dull tan to yellow-green or burgundy in fall. Its most striking feature is its vivid fall berries, initially in pink to red capsules, later revealing a bright orange cover, which is a favorite among some birds.

    The Charm of Red Chokeberry

    Red Chokeberry
    Photo: TN Nursery

    The red chokeberry, a deciduous shrub (plant that loses its leaves in the winter) thriving in damp pine flatwoods and wetland peripheries, boasts fragrant blooms in late winter and spring, drawing various pollinators, notably bees. Come summer, these blooms yield berries lasting into fall, though birds show little interest, leaving them to be consumed by deer, rabbits, and other small mammals. Despite their bitter, acidic taste, humans can incorporate them into jams, jellies, pies, or wine, benefitting from their antioxidant properties. Recognizable by its white flowers with five petals and distinct foliage, the shrub's name, chokeberry, likely stems from its sharp flavor. It flourishes in full sun to light shade, enriching landscapes year-round with its vibrant foliage, persistent fruit, and bark, making it suitable for natural settings.

    The Wild Coffee Plant - Psychotria Nervosa

    The Wild Coffee Plant
    Photo: Etsy

    Psychotria nervosa is a shrub reaching 1.5 meters in height with opposite leaves up to 15 cm long, broadly lanceolate with a sharp apex and wavy margin. Its noticeable midrib and secondary veins lead to deciduous stipules (Deciduous stipules drop off right away once the leaf unfolds), leaving behind a hairy scar. The red-ripening, few-seeded berry fruit attracts birds, while the plant's flowers draw butterflies.

    The wild coffee plant Psychotria nervosa, although not a genuine coffee plant, has white blooms that attract the Atala butterfly, an uncommon species in Florida. While its dark red fruits lack caffeine, they can be roasted similar to typical coffee berries. These small fruits are favored by various birds and wildlife, notably cardinals, catbirds, bluejays, and mockingbirds. It thrives in USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 11 and prefers partial sun to full shade, reaching a mature height of 4-10 feet. Its berries are edible.

    Tangy Red Currant Berries

    Red Currant Berries
    Photo: @marcysberries

    Currants, a type of flowering shrub from the Ribes genus, produce tangy, juicy berries prized for jams and jellies or enjoyed fresh or dried. These shrubs, native to temperate climates of the Northern Hemisphere and western South America, are also popular as ornamental plants. Historical records suggest cultivation began in the Netherlands and Denmark before 1600, spreading to America in the early 17th century. Ideal for cool, moist environments with clay or silt soils, currants are propagated from cuttings and thrive when spaced 1.2–1.5 meters apart in rows. They are often planted alongside grapes, peaches, cherries, and pears due to their tolerance for shade.

    The Maintenance Evergreen Skimmias

    Photo: @gardenworkscanada

    Skimmias are low-maintenance evergreen shrubs prized for their attractive appearance and fragrant blossoms during spring. Some types also yield ornamental berries throughout autumn and winter. These slow-growing plants form rounded mounds with dark, green, or reddish leaves and clusters of fragrant white or greenish flowers in spring. Skimmias come in male, female, or hermaphrodite varieties (Where an organism develops as a male or female, and then changes sex to a female or male as per their requirement), with females producing berries when males are nearby. Hermaphrodite types are ideal for compact spaces as they bear fruit independently. While their berries can cause mild stomach discomfort if ingested, skimmias vary in size from 50 to 150 cm in height and width, depending on the variety.

    The Beauty of Hobblebush

    Photo: Versi Color

    Hobblebush is a part of the Viburnum genus that thrives during spring and summer, showcasing its blossoms in late spring. Notably, it thrives in shaded environments. Native to various states in the US, including Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, and Vermont, Viburnum Lantanoides is recognized for its distinctive pendulous branches that can root upon contact with the ground. These rooted branches create hurdles for passersby, inspiring its common name. Its floral clusters, ranging from white to pink, typically beautify the shrub from May to June.

    The Diversity of Gooseberries

    Gooseberry flourishes in the Northern US; traditionally, European varieties are favored for their superior taste, larger fruit, and strong flavor, but some modern cultivars of North American varieties challenge this perception by offering better disease resistance and higher productivity, particularly in warmer climates. Both types range in berry size from half an inch to an inch in diameter, displaying various colors such as light green, yellow, pink, red, maroon, and deep purple, often adorned with fine hairs.

    Photo: Horticulture

    European gooseberry plants feature glossy, deeply lobed dark green leaves, whereas American types typically have pale or gray-green foliage. These versatile shrubs can be grown in containers, trained along trellises or walls, or planted directly in garden soil. Additionally, they can be pruned into standard or small trees to enhance their aesthetic appeal.

    Fascinating World of Sumacs

    Sumacs, which belong to the Anacardiaceae family (cashew family or sumac family), are deciduous shrubs and small trees that typically grow between one and ten meters tall. Their leaves are typically arranged in spike compound formations, although certain species may exhibit trifoliate or simple leaf structures.

    Sumacs Red Berries
    Photo: @bostonharborislands

    The flowers, found in compact panicles or spikes measuring five to thirty centimeters in length, are characterized by their small size and appear greenish, creamy white, or red, featuring five petals. As they mature, the fruits develop into reddish, which are thinner and fleshy, often covered in varying degrees of hairs and cluster densely at the tips of branches, referred to as sumac bobs.

    A Seasonal Delight Cranberry Cotoneaster

    Cranberry Cotoneaster
    Photo: Harvest To Table

    Cranberry Cotoneaster, a compact shrub highly favored for its attractiveness as a ground cover, boasts charming pink flower buds that transition to white upon maturation in spring. The abundant yield of vibrant cherry-red berries creates a striking contrast against its glossy dark green foliage. Cotoneaster shrubs, recognized for their spreading habit, typically reaching a width of about 6 feet, are renowned for their compatibility with various companion plants such as roses, juniper, dogwood, and cranberry bushes. They are sought after for their seasonal appeal, characterized by the vivid berries and the leaf's color transformation.

    With a bloom season in spring, these shrubs thrive in USDA Growing Zones 4 to 7, requiring well-draining soil and thriving in full sun to partial shade while attaining a modest height of 3 feet and a width of 6 feet.

    The Sun Loving Silver Buffaloberry

    The Silver buffaloberry, a tall shrub fond of sunlight, boasts elongated thorns and striking silvery foliage. It possesses nitrogen-fixing abilities and can withstand arid conditions and poor soil quality, even in saline environments.

    Photo: Native Foods Nursery

    Early-flowering blooms offer valuable resources to pollinators, while its berries, distinct in taste from those of the Canada buffaloberry, ripen late and are particularly sweet and flavorful after frost. Only female plants bear fruit, necessitating the presence of male counterparts for pollination, ideally at a ratio of at least one male to seven females. Both male and female leaves can be harvested for tea. Although native to grasslands, the silver buffaloberry flourishes in parklands and forests, making it a popular choice for shelterbelt planting across the grasslands. Its nitrogen-fixing properties and edible berries also render it a valuable addition to food forests and crop rotation.

    Also Read: 13 Tips for Starting a Sustainable Backyard Garden


    Growing red berries in a garden can promptly elevate its aesthetic charm. These bushes with red berries enhance the visual appeal but also present a delightful and nutritious snack.

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