You may be aware that seeding is a process of adding grass seed to the soil to make a lush green lawn. However, many times, once the grass grows, you identify some patchy spots or thin turf.
In order to fill those patchy areas or to convert the thin turf area into a thick and dense lawn to increase the turf density, overseeding is opted to plant grass in already existing lawn. All you should know is how and when to overseed the lawn and what precautions to take. You will get the information in this article regarding the seeding and overseeding of lush green lawns.
The wait time for the seed to germinate and grow to the desired height may extend up to four weeks or two months, depending on the weather and the response of the seed to the soil. Once the grass grows, the mowing begins.
When to Cut Grass Before Seeding?
Before seeding begins, make sure the soil has no unwanted elements to block the seed going into the ground, preventing germination. If there’s any growth on the soil, cut it completely for a clean surface and then sow the seed.
Once the seed germinates and the grass starts to grow, wait for a couple of weeks and let the grass grow up to 4-5 inches. Now, cut the grass by 2 inches before overseeding to ensure the soil gets sufficient sunlight.
Precautions to Be Taken Before Cutting Grass
If little grass has grown before seeding, cut it completely to make the soil clean for sowing. However, in the case of newly planted grass, make sure not to cut it too short, or else the grass will die of shock. Other precautions to be taken are measuring the grass with a tape or ruler to cut the right length of grass to avoid any damage; grass should be completely dry before cutting(wet grass may rip out of the ground); and using a sharp blade for clean cutting.
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Points to Consider Before Overseeding

Quality of Seed
Select the seed according to the grass type.
Type of Turfgrass
Use better turfgrass like Palisades Zoysia grass or Tiftuf Bermuda for better color and resistance to drought and insects if the existing one is not performing well.
The Time of the Year
The time of the year affects the growth of seeds. If you are in a cold region, the best weather for seeding is late summer, and if you stay in a warm region, early fall is the best period.
Cut Grass Before Seeding
Grass cutting before seeding/overseeding is essential to allow seed to get to the ground.
Water Carefully
Make sure to water the lawn a day before seeding.
Add Fertilizer
Add fertilizer to the soil to provide nutrients for better growth. Water fertilizer in the soil to ensure it reaches the roots.
How to Care for the Seeded Lawn?

It’s essential to care for your seeded lawn for steady growth. After planting the grass seed, mist it a few times. Keep two inches of soil moist when grass starts growing.
First, check if seeds have germinated properly and then mow the soil. Avoid mowing in the first week because new grass seeds take some time to form roots.
Watering is one of the vital steps after overseeding. Once you mow the grass for the first time, soak the soil once or twice a week, depending on how much rain the area receives(in case of more rain, water less frequently and vice-versa).
After one week of seeding, water the lawn lightly every day (twice) to keep it moist. After the second week, reduce it to once every day.
The last step of care is spraying fertilizer on the newly planted grass. To tackle weeds, the best way is to wait until newly grown grass is mowed a couple of times.
A few steps before seeding is very important for steady growth. The soil should be clear of any weeds or other growth before seeding. Cut unwanted grass before seeding and then sow the grass seeds.
Once seeding is complete, please wait until it grows to a certain height, then mow it a few inches and begin the process of overseeing a lush green lawn. All these will ensure a beautiful and colorful backyard and garden.