Easy Lawn Care Hacks You Need to Know

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By Ashley Hanson

Updated: Aug 03, 2024

8 min read

House Surrounded by Green Grass Below Clouds and Sky
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    Maintaining healthy plants is a challenge for all home gardeners. You need to be aware of the proper methods for handling both pests and weeds. 

    Luckily, there are simple, natural methods you can try with items readily available. Read on to boost your gardening knowledge with these practical hacks you can start using today. 

    Cinnamon Powder to Prevent Disease

    Using cinnamon on plants isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about its many applications. It is, however, one of the best natural solutions you can use for your garden. 

    Cinnamon has amazing anti-microbial properties that aid plants in resisting some forms of fungus. 

    Just add a tablespoon of ground cinnamon and one cup of water to a spray bottle. Give the mixture a thorough shake, then lightly mist every surface of the plant. 

    Spray the mixture every five to seven days for the best results, especially in wet weather. 

    Without using any chemicals, cinnamon works its magic by forming a barrier that protects the growth of new plants. It is an inexpensive way to give your plants the defence they need all year.

    Coffee Grounds to Clear Pests

    In addition to containing antioxidants, coffee grounds also emit compounds that many common garden pests find strongly unappetising. 

    Gather your leftover coffee grounds in the morning and use them to shield your garden beds and plants from crawling invaders. 

    To successfully do this, collect the damp grounds and distribute them evenly around the base of the plants, or in a band surrounding the vegetable/flower beds. 

    Do this every few weeks or after it rains to maintain the strong aromas that keep bugs away. You can also moisten the grinds slightly and place them in places where you’ve spotted slugs or ants.

    Not only does this simple hack protect your plants without the use of poisons, but it also recycles coffee waste as a natural fertiliser. Your soil is enriched over time as a result when you use eco-friendly solutions. 

    No need to invest in chemical repellents when a little leftover coffee can save the day!

    Vinegar and Water Spray for Weeds

    Using a basic vinegar and water mixture, you can combat unwanted weeds in your garden. It's a safer alternative to traditional herbicides.

    Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and simply spray the resulting mixture on the weed leaves. However, make sure they are just damp and not dripping.

    What happens is that the acetic acid from the vinegar helps disrupt the cell membranes and metabolism cycle of the plant. As a result, the weeds will turn yellow and die off. 

    Re-apply as needed until weeds stop sprouting from this area. 

    This technique is perfect for dandelions, clovers, wild violets, and more species. Plus, it will not cause any pollution to the soil or your water supply like toxic herbicides can. 

    Eggshells to Balance pH Levels

    You wouldn’t think that a common kitchen scrap like eggshells can be beneficial to your garden, but it’s quite useful for the soil. 

    Crushed eggshells can be sprinkled around to sweeten the soil with natural calcium carbonate. This elevates the pH level, moving it from acidic to more neutral or even alkaline conditions. 

    All you have to do is gather the shells left over from breakfast and allow them some time to fully dry. Then, crush them into a fine powder around each planting area and rake it into the topsoil. 

    This is perfect for the healthy growth of plants in your garden that require an alkaline environment. Try not to use this method for those that require an acidic environment.

    Grass Clippings as Mulch 

    Did you know you can create your own mulch from grass clippings? Rather than being a messy annoyance, your grass clippings become a top layer that delivers huge benefits to the grass, as well as your wallet. 

    First, as they break down within a day or two, they return valuable fertilisers like nitrogen back into the soil. This gives your lawn a natural boost, reducing the need for store-bought products. 

    In addition, the clippings blanket retains up to 1 inch of moisture per week. Keeping soil properly hydrated means less supplemental watering, thus lowering your bill. 

    It takes little effort on your part. Just adjust the mower height higher and don’t remove more than ⅓ of the blade at once. 

    You’ll still get a neatly trimmed lawn but with all the nutrients reabsorbed. 

    Epsom Salt for Grass Growth

    If your lawn looks a little thin or dull, epsom salt could just be the inexpensive solution it needs. It supplies two key nutrients that promote the healthy, vibrant growth of grass—magnesium and sulphur. 

    These elements are often lacking in the soil and thus show up in deficiency symptoms such as yellowing of the leaves. 

    Applying a light coating of Epsom salt evens out nutritional irregularities so that plants can thrive. To use it on your lawn, simply create a solution by dissolving one pound of salt in two gallons of water. 

    The next step is to simply distribute the solution evenly across about one thousand square feet of grass. 

    For the best results, apply in spring before new growth begins and make sure to make a second application in summer if rain washes away the salts. 

    This way, magnesium and sulphur are slowly released into the roots. Within weeks, you will notice the grass appearing more dense and taking on a beautiful darker green colour.

    Lawn Care by Professional Gardeners

    Sometimes, it is a hassle to keep up with your garden, especially that it needs constant maintenance to remain at its best. 

    That’s why, even with the above tips and hacks, you will need the help of an expert. Here are many benefits of using a professional gardener for your lawn: 

    • Getting it done in less time. Busy schedules leave little hours for you to properly perform all the tasks that need to be done for a healthy, beautiful lawn. A gardener handles everything efficiently in no time. 
    • Making use of their experience. By hiring an expert, you make sure of their years of working experience, which means they know all the best tricks and techniques. 
    • Knowing they have all the right equipment. The gardener you hire will have all the advanced tools on hand, such as precision mowers or soil testers.  
    • Paying for guaranteed results and value. The peace of mind from a professionally managed yard often outweighs any small extra cost versus constant DIY maintenance and repairs over time. 


    Taking care of your garden at home requires a lot of work. The key to getting everything done and guaranteeing the best quality is having a few tricks up your sleeve. 

    This article has the ultimate list of lawn care hacks which are natural and easy on your wallet. Try them, and you’ll have a beautiful, thriving garden all season long.

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