Expert Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Garage Door

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By Trinity Archie

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

8 min read

Black Matte Car Parked in Front of Garage Door
Photo: Pexels

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    Your garage door is the unsung hero of your home—faithfully protecting your car, tools, and who knows what else from the elements, nosy neighbors, and the occasional curious raccoon. However, like any hero, your garage door needs some TLC to keep performing at its best. Today, we’re diving into expert tips to prolong the life of your garage door, ensuring it remains in top shape for years to come. Buckle up, because this ride is going to be fun, entertaining, and packed with valuable insights!

    1. Regular Inspections are Key

    Think of your garage door as a loyal pet—it needs regular check-ups to stay healthy. Set aside time every few months to inspect your garage door. Look for any signs of wear and tear, such as frayed cables, rust, or misaligned tracks. Catching these issues early can prevent bigger problems down the road.

    Pro Tip: Listen to your door. Strange noises like grinding or squeaking are cries for help. Don’t ignore them!

    2. Lubricate Moving Parts

    Your garage door has a lot of moving parts that need to stay, well, moving! Regular lubrication keeps everything running smoothly. Use a high-quality garage door lubricant on the rollers, hinges, tracks, and springs.

    Pro Tip: Avoid using grease; it can attract dirt and cause more harm than good. Stick to a lubricant specifically designed for garage doors.

    3. Balance is Everything

    An imbalanced garage door can strain the opener and wear out parts prematurely. To test the balance, disconnect the opener by pulling the release handle (usually a red cord). Manually lift the door halfway and let go. If it stays in place, it’s balanced. If it moves up or down, it’s time to call in a professional for adjustment.

    Pro Tip: Performing this test monthly can save you from costly repairs.

    4. Check and Replace Weather Stripping

    Weather stripping at the bottom of your garage door keeps out drafts, pests, and moisture. Over time, it can crack or wear out. Check it regularly and replace it if you see any signs of damage. This simple step not only protects your garage but also helps in energy efficiency.

    Pro Tip: Choose weather stripping material that suits your climate for the best protection.

    5. Keep It Clean

    Dust and debris can accumulate in the tracks and cause your garage door to operate inefficiently. Regularly clean the tracks with a damp cloth to remove dirt and grime.

    Pro Tip: For a deeper clean, use a vacuum with a hose attachment to suck out stubborn debris from the tracks.

    6. Test the Auto-Reverse Feature

    Safety first! Your garage door’s auto-reverse feature is crucial for preventing accidents. Place an object, like a brick or a piece of wood, in the door’s path and close the door. It should reverse immediately upon contact.

    Pro Tip: Test this feature monthly to ensure it’s working correctly and keep your loved ones safe.

    7. Mind the Springs

    Garage door springs are under a lot of tension and can be dangerous if not handled properly. Regularly inspect them for signs of wear and tear, but leave the adjustments and replacements to the professionals.

    Pro Tip: If you notice any issues with the springs, contact a garage door service in Oklahoma for expert assistance.

    8. Upgrade Your Opener

    If your garage door opener is more than 10 years old, consider upgrading to a newer model. Modern openers offer advanced features like smartphone control, battery backup, and enhanced safety mechanisms.

    Pro Tip: An upgraded opener can improve the overall functionality and security of your garage door.

    9. Protect Your Investment with Professional Maintenance

    While DIY maintenance is crucial, nothing beats a professional’s touch. Schedule an annual inspection and tune-up with a reliable garage door service in Oklahoma. They’ll catch problems you might miss and keep your door in tip-top shape.

    Pro Tip: Build a relationship with a local garage door service provider for ongoing support and peace of mind.

    Final Thoughts

    Your garage door does more than just open and close; it safeguards your home and enhances its curb appeal. By following these expert tips, you can prolong the life of your garage door and ensure it operates smoothly for years to come. So, roll up your sleeves, grab that lubricant, and show your garage door some love—it’s more than earned it!

    For more tips and professional assistance, remember to reach out to a trusted garage door service in Oklahoma. Happy maintaining!

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