Five Tips To Reduce Energy Use In Summer

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By Alexandra Miller

Updated: Jan 08, 2025

8 min read

A House with Solar Panel on the Roof
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    Every summer, I face the challenge of managing stifling heat and rising energy bills. Keeping cool while being kind to the environment is imperative for a sustainable future. Here are five practical tips that I've incorporated into my routine to reduce energy use during the hot summer months. Hopefully, some of them can help you as well.

    1. Get Smart with Your Thermostat

    A thermostat can be one of your closest allies in saving energy. My house, blessed with a smart thermostat, manages temperatures wonderfully. By programming it to increase by a few degrees while I'm away, it prevents the air conditioner from working overtime. This simple adjustment ensures my home is comfortable while keeping my electricity bill in check. If you haven't already fiddled with your settings, now's the time to try it out!

    One thing to consider with thermostats is setting up a schedule that mirrors your day-to-day life. During the evenings, I set mine on a timer to increase cooling when everyone is at home and decrease it during the quiet nighttime hours. By aligning the thermostat with our daily activities, I've maximized cooling when it's most needed while reducing unnecessary energy consumption.

    When considering ways to further manage energy costs, it's also beneficial to periodically compare electricity plans in Texas if you're eligible. Keep an eye on competitive rates that might offer savings on your energy bill.

    2. Harness the Power of Fans

    Fans are efficient helpers during the summer heat, offering an affordable solution to cooling needs. In my living room, a simple ceiling fan changes the entire feel by moving air around and making the room feel cooler. Did you know fans can cut your air conditioning reliance down significantly? Make sure to set the fan to spin counterclockwise to create that refreshing windchill effect. Simple yet effective.

    Beyond just ceiling fans, I also use portable fans strategically placed around the house. Having one near my work desk and another in the bedroom helps keep a constant flow of air, reducing the need for heavy reliance on the AC. Just placing a fan at an open window during cooler evenings can draw in fresh air, naturally reducing the temperature indoors.

    3. Embrace Natural Light Wisely

    During summer, the bright sun can be a friend or foe. It lights up my home, but it also brings in unwanted heat. I learned this the hard way: closing blinds or drapes during peak sunny hours keeps rooms cooler. In my house, those thick, dark curtains became a lifesaver. Open them early in the morning and late in the evening to capture natural light without the accompanying heat. It's an easy, passive way to keep things pleasant indoors.

    I also experimented with reflective window films, a great addition to reducing heat gain. These films are barely noticeable yet act as a barrier, deflecting a significant amount of the sun's rays. The difference since installation has been remarkable, especially for windows that face direct sunlight for most of the day.

    4. Keep Appliances in Check

    One of the easiest changes I made was rethinking my use of appliances. Early in the summer, I noticed when doing laundry at midday, appliances heated up my home. Instead, I now run my washer and dryer during the cooler, evening hours. The same goes for cooking; summer is the perfect excuse to bust out the grill instead of heating the kitchen. Little adjustments like this can make a noticeable difference.

    In addition, I took a close look at smaller appliances and their usage. I've made it a habit to unplug standby devices when not in use. During the day, turning off unnecessary electronics not only reduces heat generation but also cuts down on energy consumption. Whether it's a coffee maker or a desktop computer, unplugging them when idle has subtly benefited my energy use.

    5. Optimize Insulation

    For the longest time, I underestimated the role of insulation. Adding weather strips and caulking around windows and doors reduces the cool air escaping from my home. It might seem minor, but a well-insulated home keeps the indoor temperature consistent. Take a weekend to inspect your home and seal any air leaks. It's a small investment that pays off when those scorching heat waves roll in.

    I realized that insulating ducts, especially those in the attic, stopped cooled air from losing its chill before reaching the rooms. This small tweak improved the efficiency of my air conditioning, ensuring quicker and more effective cooling throughout the house.

    I'm constantly searching for new ways to reduce energy use, but these five tips have already made a big impact on my summer routine. Being mindful of this is beneficial for the environment and helps keep some extra cash in my pocket. Give these tips a try, and you might soon notice a cooler home and a lighter energy bill!

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