How Many Lumens for Bathroom Vanity Are Enough?

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By Trinity Archie

Updated: Mar 07, 2024

8 min read

How Many Lumens for Bathroom Vanity

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    Ambiance lights are everywhere in our homes, but a grooming and hygiene session requires much more illumination for better visibility. Whether renovating or constructing a bathroom, consider vanity lighting with ambient lighting for a better grooming experience.

    The importance of vanity lighting is evident, but focusing on electrical fixtures is equally crucial as bathrooms have a wet environment, and any kind of negligence can cause minor to major accidents.

    Vanity Lighting

    Any lighting fixture installed either above the sink or at the sides of the mirror is a vanity light. Usually, there are layers of light in a bath, such as vanity, task, and accent lights, which all together lighten the place well enough. However, if you want budget-friendly lighting, then using a vanity light as a general lighting solution can also work well enough.

    Types of Light Fixtures for Vanities

    Several lighting fixtures could be used as vanity lights; you just need to know the type of fixture suitable for your bathroom.

    Bathroom Sconces or Vanity Lights

    Vanity Lights- also known as bath bars or bathroom sconces- the most commonly used fixtures for vanity- can be installed vertically or horizontally, depending on their size and shape. They offer the best vanity task lighting and are also available in multiple designs.

    Wall Sconces

    Wall Sconces- these are mounted directly in the wall on either side of a vanity mirror. They provide pretty good focus lighting for vanity tasks.

    Bathroom Ceiling Lights

    Ceiling Lights- Bathrooms with less vertical space at the vanity can opt for ceiling lights. Installing flush mount or semi-flush mount fixtures above the vanity mirror will provide overall ambient light, and you'll be able to perform some of the vanity tasks. The drawback of ceiling lights is that they may cause a shadow effect, making it difficult to do makeup.

    Bathroom Pendant Lights

    Pendant Lights- Styling with pendant lights is way too much fun; many options are available, and you can choose one to give a new look to your vanity mirror. They hang from the ceiling; usually, one bulb is encased in a decorative glass or case. Pendant lights add a focal point to the vanity mirror and also provide required lighting for vanity tasks.

    Recessed Lights in bathroom

    Recessed Lights- These are installed directly into the ceiling and provide a clean, minimalist look and a good option for space-efficient bathrooms. If your bathroom is modern or contemporary-themed, then recessed lighting will complement it perfectly. If you install enough lights, it will provide a diffused and evenly distributed illumination.

    Fixtures: How Many Lumens Are Required for a Bathroom Vanity? 

    The number of lumens depends on your vanity's size and layout; for a single-sink vanity, a wall sconce can provide enough lighting. The average distance between two wall sconces should be 28" to 30" apart and approximately 60" to 70" above the floor; this installation technique helps get optimum and even light effects.

    Lumens Are Required for a Bathroom Vanity

    If you don't want the vanity lights to be installed sideways or don't have enough space for them, then installing a vanity lighting fixture above the mirror can be a good option for you. Also, keep the proportion of lights and mirrors while opting for one, or you'll be left with either insufficient lighting or excess lighting, which may cause you to lose your focus and can also cause a headache.

    The lighting fixture above the mirror should be one-third of the mirror's width. If you have a double sink vanity, you should go for a multi-level lighting fixture instead of installing one. It can be a configuration of two, three, or four lights, depending on the vanity's width and the lights' length. The average distance of the lights installed over the mirror should be 75" to 80" from the floor.


    The style of lights should be decided by the aesthetics you're following in your house; the choices are endless. Also, note that getting recessed lighting over the mirror can't fulfill the need for vanity lighting; its distance and location can easily create shadows and make your routine of vanity tasks, such as grooming or makeover, tough.

    If you have architectural boundaries or can't bear to renovate the space just for vanity lighting, then mirror-mounted vanity lights can be your savior; you can get vanity lights mounted at the surface of your mirror, or you can hang a pair of pendant lights at both sides of the mirror to make it work like a wall sconces and if there is excess of lighting due to this hack then use frosted globes or bulbs to have that excess light diffused.

    Built-in Led Vanity Lights

    Built-in Led Vanity Lights

    For a space-conscious bathroom, built-in vanity lights can be a great option. These lights are invisible when not in use, which makes it an excellent option for a modern minimalist bathroom. However, if you're worried about its usability, worry not. They work as fine as any other lighting fixture. In addition, they provide a cleaner look with a diffused lighting effect, making them a perfect option for smaller bathrooms with no excess space for vanity lighting fixtures.

    How Much Lighting Do You Need?

    The number of lighting fixtures can be decided based on the space. There should be enough lights not to miss any details while performing vanity tasks in front of the mirror. There is a way you can measure the minimum lumen value for adequate vanity lighting by multiplying your room's square footage by your room's foot-candle requirement. For example, if there is a 100-square-foot room that needs a 10-20 foot-candle requirement, then the room would require 4000-6000 lumens, or you can go by the idea of 50-75 lumens per square foot.

    Lighting in Bathroom Vanities

    There is a reference to help you further. A 60-watt incandescent bulb emits 800 lumens, so using 2 of these can solve your problems. However, there is one more option available that can alter these figures; if you go for a fixture with an integrated LED light source, you will need to install fewer lighting fixtures to receive the equivalent lighting output ( for standard lighting fixtures, you'd need 4000-6000 lumens but for Led lighting fixtures you'd need lesser lumens).

    Here is a tip for you: go for a higher lumen output and make sure it is dimmable so that you can adjust the lighting as per your requirement.

    Waterproof Rating

    Installed pretty good fixtures, but all of it would be in vain if water got mixed with electricity; it would easily damage your fixtures and may also cause you harm. Though most of the bathroom area is dry, mirrors and sinks are close to water, and electrical stuff near it is prone to damage, so check the product's IP rating while purchasing it.

    Important Consideration for Bathroom Vanities

    Go for LED Lights- LED vanity lights are the most popular bathroom fixtures as they are energy efficient, perform comparatively well, last longer, and are available in various designs.

    Consider CRI and Color Temperature- The most important thing while looking for a vanity light is to check its CRI (Color Rendering Index) and color temperature (kelvin) ratings, where CRI refers to the quality of colors rendered to a human eye.

    Higher CRI (mostly 90) helps to see the most accurate skin, makeup, and hair color in the mirror. Also, the color temperature refers to how warm or cool the light will appear; the temperature of light can also affect the color's hue.

    Layering of lights- Instead of using one powerful light, distribute the lighting effect by adding multiple lights to get better visibility from every angle.

    Use Dimmers and Adjustable Fixtures- Go for dimmer fixtures to adjust light intensity. Also, try not to overcrowd the vanity area with more than large fixtures.


    How Many Lumens for Bathroom Vanity?

    The number of lighting fixtures can be decided based on the space. There should be enough lights not to miss any details while performing vanity tasks in front of the mirror.

    Are There Any Recommended Lumens for a Bathroom Vanity?

    The number of lighting fixtures can be decided based on the space. There should be enough lights not to miss any details while performing vanity tasks in front of the mirror.

    How Do You Determine the Correct Number of Lumens for the Bathroom?

    There is a way you can measure the minimum lumen value for adequate vanity lighting by multiplying your room's square footage by your room's foot-candle requirement. For example, if a 100-square-foot room needs a 10-20 foot-candle requirement, the room would require 4000-6000 lumens, or you can go by the idea of 50-75 lumens per square foot.

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