How to Remove Dirt, Mold, and Odors from Wicker Furniture?

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By Deirdre Mundorf

Updated: Mar 09, 2025

8 min read

How To Clean Wicker Furniture
AI Generated Image: Heaven Gables

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    Wicker furniture adds a charming cottage look to the garden and lawn. Earlier wickers were made of natural fibers, rattans, willow, bamboo, etc., but nowadays, you'll find these furniture made of synthetic resin and other materials. Natural wicker furniture is hard to clean because the fibers may get ruined with a single mistake. So, it is important to understand what cleaning methods work for natural and synthetic wickers.

    Moreover, as the weave of the furniture is quite thick, it makes them challenging to clean. In this blog we have discussed a few ways to clean your wicker furniture - both synthetic and natural.

    How to Clean Wicker Furniture?

    No matter if you have natural or synthetic wicker furniture, there is one simple rule to keep it clean. All you need to do is get covers for all your outdoor furniture. Also, a little care and maintenance, along with routine vacuuming, will keep furniture clean and prevent fading - keeping its beauty intact for a long time.

    Cleaning Natural Wicker Furniture

    The first step to cleaning wicker furniture is - vacuuming. This removes any dirt or debris hiding in the weave. You can also dust them with a microfiber cloth to remove any excess dirt. Here's the next step that follows -

    1. Wash the Wicker Gently

    Repeated wetting and drying of the wicker can cause severe damage to the furniture. Hence, you have to take extra care when washing the wicker. So, to clean your wicker furniture -

    • You can make a mixture of mild oil soap with water or oil-based soap to clean your furniture.

    • Dip a toothbrush into the soap bubbles and gently scrub the dirty areas.

    • After scrubbing, use a damp (not completely wet) microfiber cloth to wipe the soap residue.

    • Once cleaned, put your furniture in front of a fan or in the sun to dry them completely.

    You only need to wash furniture once or twice a year, with proper precautions. Also, remember to use only the soap bubbles to clean your outdoor furniture, not the water.

    2. Clean Up Mold and Mildew

    Clean Up Mold and Mildew
    AI Generated Image: Heaven Gables

    If you see mold and mildew on your furniture, it indicates some problem. Such furniture doesn't hold paint and will give out a musty smell. They are also a major concern if you have people with allergies or respiratory issues - as problem may get worsened.

    So, before you start the procedure, ensure you are in a well-ventilated area. Here's how you can remove mold and mildew -

    • Mix 80% water and 20% laundry bleach in a spray bottle.

    • Spray liberally on the affected region (if possible spray all over the furniture) to ensure there are no fungus left.

    • There's no need for scrubbing. You can leave the furniture as it is, and check after a few days if it needs any second treatment.

    • You can add a layer or two of paint to ensure it looks elegant and complements your home's exterior.

    Precaution: Cover your eyes, mouth, and hands while doing this. This is because chlorine in bleach can be dangerous, Hence, you need to take extra care.

    3. Getting Rid of Foul Smell

    A foul smell from wicker furniture comes out due to the presence of mold and mildew. You can follow the steps given above to eliminate mold and mildew. Then, after the process, you can sprinkle a handful of baking soda and leave your furniture outside in the sun. After a few hours, vacuum the baking soda - this will leave your furniture smelling not-so-moldy.

    Even if you don't paint your wicker, rubbing and moisturizing them with linseed oil or mineral oil will make them look new for an extended period. To apply the oil, you can rub a coat of it using a cloth. Wait for 15 minutes, and reapply,  if needed.

    4. Cleaning Synthetic Wicker Furniture

    A Person Cleaning Synthetic Wicker Furniture
    AI Generated Image: Heaven Gables

    Synthetic or resin wicker furniture is less demanding and is naturally more resistant to moisture and weather elements. Outdoor weather can be very capricious, which can bring several atrocities to your outdoor furniture. Here's how you can clean your resin wickers -

    • Remove and clean the cushions using a vacuum. Use a soft bristle brush to remove any remaining dust.

    • Mix one tablespoon of mild laundry soap in 2 cups of warm water. Use a sponge to clean the fabric. Also you can use soft bristle brush to remove the grime that sponges cannot clean.

    • As synthetic furniture is waterproof, you can soak it in water. Use a hose and freely spray water on it. Then, use detergent or soap to clean the dirt and grime in the hidden areas of your furniture.

    To ensure your resin furniture lasts longer, keep it away from chilly winter weather. This ensures they don't contract or expand.


    All wicker furniture needs proper maintenance to improve its lifespan and maintain its aesthetic. Sometimes cleaning alone doesn't help to restore them. So, the next best way to restore their beauty is to paint them. Though cleaning wicker is a DIY project, there can be times when you find it challenging to clean. Hence, it is advisable to call a professional.

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