How to Fix a Leaking Roof From the Inside?

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By George Taylor

Updated: Mar 05, 2025

8 min read

How To Fix A Leaking Roof From The Inside
Photo: @exclusivepublicadjusting

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    Leaking roofs is an irritating and alarming problem for homeowners as they have to address the issue at the earliest before it turns into a big problem. The leaking problem aggravates further during the rain and snowfall, which affects the structural integrity of the building and leads to mold growth. The major concern with leaking roofs is that they can’t be addressed from the outside if it rains, so there’s no option but to fix it from the inside till the weather normalizes. In this article, we discuss “how to fix a leaking roof from the inside” in easy and simple steps that begin with identifying the root cause and source of leaks, followed by fixing solutions and some other tips.

    How to Identify the Source of the Leak?

    The first step to fixing the leaking roof is to know the source from where water droplets are falling. There are some early signs, such as water stains on the ceiling, dripping sound of water, missing shingles on the roof, water spots on the walls in the exterior area, popcorn paint on the interior walls, and wet insulation in the attic, that alerts the homeowners pushing them to look for the original source of leakage.

    Check the Attic Area

    Begin the work by checking the attic area with a flashlight to check for any water stains and trace them to the original source. If you can visually locate the origin of leakage to the highest point, well and good, else move to the next step.

    Conduct Water Test

    The next step is to conduct the water test when a helper is instructed to run a hose spraying water on the roof, and you can look for leakage points inside the house to know the exact spot of leakage. In the case of a sloped roof, finding the source gets difficult as the leakage point is misleading due to the slope.

    Check the Roof From the Outside

    If you fail to locate the source from inside, try looking in the outside area for any signs such as missing shingles, holes in the roof.

    Professional Help

    Despite following both the above steps, if you fail to identify the source of leakage, seek the help of a professional who knows the work and can help identify the origin within no time.

    How to Fix a Leaking Roof From the Inside?

    Once the origin of the leakage is identified, you can move to the next step of patching the leak if the leak can’t be fixed from the inside due to heavy rain. Once the rain stops and the weather is conducive for leak fixing, fix the issue permanently with the help of an expert.

    Patch the Roof Temporarily

    Temporary Roof Patching
    Photo: @proroofsolutions

    Roof patching is like an emergency solution to stop the leakage in the case of heavy rainfall to protect the inside house from damage. All you need is a putty knife, roofing tar, and plywood or plastic roof covering.

    • Locate the sources of the leak and clear the area of debris or loose shingles. The area should be thoroughly cleaned.

    • Spread roofing tar properly on the leaking area using a putty knife, cover the plastic roof covering with tar and press it firmly to act as a seal. Make sure the leaking area is completely covered with tar.

    • Make a note of the exact location of the leak to help you find the spot when it stops raining to make the permanent leak fixing easy.

    Cost to Patch the Roof Temporarily

    A temporary patch on the roof is an affordable and easy way to handle the emergency situation. One liter of bitumen paint or roofing tar costs around $20. However, permanent roof fixing costs way more.

    The Reasons for the Leakage and Ways to Fix Them

    There could be many reasons for water leakage on the roof, and the ways to fix them depend on the reason, which we discuss below. Let’s have a look:

    Problem With Roof Boot

    It is one of the most common reasons for roof leakage around the base of the pipe via the roof. If there’s any problem with the boot, the roof starts leaking near the area where the pipe is located. The boots are made of synthetic rubber, copper, plastic, or lead, which don’t have a long life and start to break due to exposure to sun and weather changes.

    Ways to fix them

    • This issue is easily identifiable at the location where the pipe is fixed. Merely installing the rubber collar over the cracked pipe boot will fix the problem.

    Nail Dislocation

    This is another common problem where nails pop up against the shingle and over the period, water catches the nail’s head and seeks its way into the house.

    Ways to fix them

    • The improper roof installation leads to these problems. The first step is to break the seal on the shingle, pull out the nail, and seal the old hole. If the nail is not fixed straight, pull out the nail and fix it properly.

    Roof Flashing

    It happens when flashing has some defect, is installed incorrectly, or has reached its maximum age. Seepage caused by roof flashing is seen on the ceiling or on the walls.

    Ways to fix them

    • In most cases, flashing is replaced with a new one, though it is a costly and tedious task.

    Debris in Gutter

    Another common cause of roof leakage is an accumulation of debris on the roof where the gutter stops in the middle of the roof. Debris shows waterway to the inside of the home, causing leakage issues.

    Ways to fix them

    • The best way to deal with this problem is to add flashing to stop water from accumulating behind the gutter.

    Leakage in Chimney

    Men Repairing Leakage in Chimney
    Photo: @suttonroofinginc

    The first reason that comes to mind of a homeowner in case of roof leakage is some problem with the flashing under the shingles around the chimney.

    Ways to fix them

    • If the flashing problem is the culprit resulting in leakage in the chimney, reflash the area like a normal repair.

    The Issue in Skylight Installations

    There’s a myth that skylights leak, but the truth is it leaks only when there’s some flaw in the installations.

    Ways to fix them

    • If installation is the root cause, try reinstalling the skylight, and if flashing is the problem, the flashing kit is taken off, and a tight seal is ensured.

    Tips for Maintaining Roof

    Keep an eye on the roof for any early signs of roof leakage and get it repaired. Regular inspection of the roof vents can help identify any wear and tear and seal cracks. Look for damaged or missing shingles, clogged gutters, and water puddling on the roof.


    Fixing a leaking roof is an easy process if you know the technique. However, if you don’t have hands-on experience, seek professional help to get the work done in a smooth manner because fixing involves an eye for detail.

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