How to Remove Standing Water: Reasons and Ways to Handle

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By Deirdre Mundorf

Updated: Apr 13, 2024

8 min read

How to Remove Standing Water

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    Looking after the yard of your house is important from the perspective of health, safety, and aesthetics and standing water is one such issue you should address. Attributing the reason for standing water to rain is understood, but if you see water accumulation in the yard without rain, then it becomes a more serious problem, seeking urgent attention. Never overlook the issue, as it may attract mosquitoes, damage plants, and cause many more problems. Let’s have a look at the reasons for and solutions to the standing water problem in your homes.

    Problems Arising From Standing Water

    There are several issues popping up from standing water in yards or other parts of homes, which need to be addressed at the earliest. Some of them are discussed below


    One of the biggest problems is that mosquitoes get a breeding ground in standing water that remains for one or two days. Mosquitoes are known to carry disease-causing germs and are damn irritating.


    Rodents can spread disease through waste or biting.

    Bacteria and Virus

    Virus and bacteria present in the water can make animals and humans sick.


    Mold infestation may cause respiratory problems in both animals and humans.

    Damage Plants and Grass

    It’s a known fact that plants and grass need water, but too much water may damage them by drowning.

    Risk of Slipping /falling

    Standing water can make the surface slippery, posing a safety risk of slipping and falling, causing harm.

    Damage to the Foundation of the House

    Standing water can harm the structure of the house by seeping through the foundation, causing external damage and internal damage affecting the foundation, resulting in heavy repair costs in the future.

    Methods to Remove Standing Water From the Yard

    Standing Water in Yard

    Improve Drainage of Clay Soil With Organic Mulch

    Loamy and sandy soil drain water effectively, but clay soil doesn't. Add organic mulch in clay soil to improve drainage.

    Dethatch the Soil for Proper Drainage

    The presence of lawn thatch makes it difficult to drain. Using a power dethatcher, dethatch the soil for effective drainage.

    Break the Soil

    If the soil in your lawn is sticky, leading to standing water, break the soil with a shovel to give it a boost.

    Proper Grading Can Help Low Spots

    If your lawn is in a low spot, correct the grading by making a dry creek or deviating water to another drain. This method will help improve drainage.


    Sweep the standing water collected on other items, such as lids of a trashcan or on the deck, to get rid of standing water.

    Methods to Remove Standing Water From the Flooded Room

    Remove Standing Water From the Flooded Room

    In case of a small amount of standing water in the room or basement, DIY with the help of a dehumidifier and wet/dry shop vacuum.

    Check for Safety

    • Wear boots with rubber sole and gloves to rule out the possibility of electric shock.
    • Never touch plugged devices or even unplugged until the room/basement is dry.

    Check for the Source of Water

    • Looking for a source of water is vital because there’s no point removing standing water without knowing the source of it.
    • See if the water source is due to a sump pump problem, heavy rainfall, leaking pipes, or a crack in the foundation.
    • If the cause of standing water is natural, there's nothing to worry about because once it stops raining, you can clear the water. However, if the cause is not natural, fix the problem as soon as possible before water enters other parts of the house.

    Avoid Overwatering Lawn

    Water the lawn wisely because overwatering the lawn may cause standing water. Always check the frequency and the quantity of water the lawn needs and go by it.

    Remove Water From the Room

    Using a dry shop vacuum and a humidifier, remove water from the room.

    Make a Rain Garden

    Build a rain garden to absorb the rainwater for a healthy lawn.

    Take a Look at the Damage

    Once the standing water is removed, assess the damage caused and see what repair is needed to return the room to normal status. Clean the room properly and inspect the drywall for waterlogging.


    Standing water brings in lots of problems that need to be addressed on priority. The ways to handle standing water are discussed in the article, which might help you. If water accumulates due to rain, remove it using the ways mentioned above; however, if standing water occurs without rain, it calls for professional help, who will inspect the property and suggest a solution.


    Will Gravel Help With Standing Water?

    Yes, gravel helps with standing water. The gap between the rocks allows water to pass through. The gravel holds the water until the soil can handle it.

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