We often use mulch(organic or inorganic) to cover the soil surface, keeping in mind its innumerable benefits to retain the soil's moisture content, keep weeds away, keep the soil cool, and, most importantly, make the landscape visually appealing. Organic homemade mulch glue is made of organic matter like newspapers, bark, grass clippings, straw, and shredded leaves, which provide nutrients to the soil. In contrast, inorganic mulch is made of synthetic materials such as plastic, gravel, and stone, primarily used to hold moisture and block weeds rather than providing nutrients.
The primary concern of homeowners is how to secure mulch on different surfaces, be it organic or inorganic mulch, especially when there are pets and kids at home because they love to mess around with mulch and gravel. Mulch also gets blown away by leaf blowers, disturbing the alignment of gravel and mulch. In such a situation, the best way to hold mulch is to use mulch glue spray. In this article, we have shared detailed information about mulch glue, how to make it at home, and its uses. Let's have a look.
Features to Consider When Buying Mulch Glue for Rocks and Other Mulches
When buying mulch glue for rocks or gravel, it's essential to consider important features for best results. They are as follows:
Adhesive Strength
Look for mulch glue that firmly binds the mulch in place, even in high-traffic areas or during bad weather conditions. The binding force of mulch glue depends on the adhesion strength, so this feature is indispensable.
The compatibility/versatility of mulch glue is prime because it has to work well on all types of surfaces to bind a variety of materials together, such as mulch, stones, pebbles, gravel, straw, and hay. The versatility of mulch glue helps you achieve the landscaping project easily.
Resistance to Water
Mulch is regularly exposed to rain and sprinkler systems, raising the need for water-resistant mulch glue to maintain the adhesiveness of the glue, avoiding washing away or loosening of glue.
Mulch glues should be durable enough to withstand temperature changes, changes in moisture content, and UV rays. They should also be strong enough to remain effective for a longer duration.
Always look around for safe mulch glue options that are non-toxic, chemical-free, and biodegradable. If you are an environmentally friendly gardener, buy environmentally friendly mulch glue to ensure the safety of plants, animals, and kids.
Easily Applicable Glue
The ease of application is highly important because the impact of applying glue depends on how it is applied. Always select an easy and effective method and check if the glue comes with built-in application tools.
A neutral-colored glue helps maintain the garden's aesthetic by remaining invisible, allowing the landscaping design to dominate the surroundings.
Drying Time
A fast-drying mulch glue saves time and prevents smudging. It also enables you to spray the second coating without waiting time.
DIY Method to Make Mulch Glue Spray

DIY is quite an easy and budget-friendly way to bind the mulch on the pavement and sideways. All you need is complete information about the process. You might have all the ingredients and materials at home except mulch glue; however, if you don't have it at home, you can buy it.
Ingredients and Materials Required
Mulch Glue - This is used to bind rocks and mulch together.
A Bucket - A bucket is required to make the solution with glue and water.
Stick - A stick is needed to stir the solution in the bucket.
Hot Water - Hot water helps make the solution perfectly.
A Garden Sprayer - A garden sprayer is needed in case of a bigger property, and a spray bottle is needed in case of small areas to spray the glue on mulch.
Pre-mixing Preparation
Before starting the mixing process, prepare the flowerbed or gravel for binding. Remove weeds and roots and gather all the materials and ingredients to avoid a last-minute rush to grab things.
Prepare the Mulch Glue Solution
To prepare the solution, mix one part of glue with two parts of hot water in a bucket, stir them for a minute with a stick, and pour it into the garden sprayer or spray bottle. Another way is to directly pour mulch glue and water into the spray bottle and shake it for a minute to get the same mixture as the one you got in the bucket.
Keep the Gravel / Mulch in Place
Before spraying the mulch glue, sweep the gravel or mulch back in place to make it clear of any garbage or leaves.
The First Round of Spray
Start spraying glue over the gravel or mulch with a garden sprayer. All you need to do is push down the pump a few times and start spraying. Make sure you cover the entire area. You can easily identify the leftover areas because white mulch glue is easily visible.
The Second Round of Spray After an Hour
After the first round of spraying, wait for an hour and then put on the second coat. You can touch gravel or mulch with your hand and see if mulches are appropriately secured at their place. While spraying the second coat, make it thicker to ensure every rock is covered.
Inspect the Work
Once the entire work is concluded, try picking up pebbles from the sideways. If you don't get one, you have mastered the art of DIY projects. However, if you could grab one, spray glue it on that particular area.
Various Mulch Glue Brands Available in the Market
There are several mulch glue options in the market, so be cautious, go by your priority, and make the choice. Some of the mulch glue options are as follows:
Dominator Mulch Glue 🔗 |
The Material It Can Bind | Works on various materials |
Ease of Application | Easy to apply |
Toxic/Non-toxic | Non-toxic and pet-friendly |
Drying Speed | Fast drying feature |
Durability | Last up to 24 months |
Cons | Expensive, available in a big container |

Landscape Loc Mulch Glue 🔗 |
The Material It Can Bind | Rock, mulch, pebbles, sand and gravel |
Ease of Application | Easy to apply |
Toxic/Non-toxic | Pet, kids, and plant friendly |
Drying Speed | Fast drying feature |
Durability | Last up to 12 months |
Cons | Turns white when wet, available in small containers also |

Perta Tools Mulch Glue 🔗 |
The Material It Can Bind | Mulch, wood chips, pine straw, shells, small pebbles |
Ease of Application | Easy to apply |
Toxic/Non-toxic | Pet and kids-friendly |
Drying Speed | Fast drying |
Durability | Last up to 12 months |
Cons | It may not work for larger areas |

Mulch glue is the best way to firmly bind mulch, gravel, straw, and other materials together to ensure they remain in place. Usually, a leaf blower or strong wind disrupts the alignment of the gravel or mulch sideways, but mulch glue keeps them bound, allowing kids and pets to play freely without fear of any mess.