The 3 Best Ways To Add More Living Space To Your Home

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By Trinity Archie

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

8 min read

The 3 Best Ways To Add More Living Space To Your Home
Photo: @bayareapaverdesign

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    If you're feeling cramped in your current living space, expanding your home can offer the perfect solution. Instead of buying a new home because you need more space you can utilize the space you already have to include more living area. Moving to a bigger house can be very expensive and stressful. 

    The cost of buying a larger home, along with paying for moving services, real estate fees, and taxes, adds up quickly. Before you think about moving, consider that you might already have enough space that you’re just not using well. In this article, we will go over some tips to help you use the space you have to expand your house. 

    1 - Use the outside

    When you think about adding more space to your home, don't forget about the outdoors. Using your yard, garden, or patio can greatly increase your living area. Decks and patios are great for setting up outdoor seating or dining areas, making it easy to enjoy the outside just as much as the inside.

    A gazebo or a pergola from Chillax Patios can be a nice addition to your garden. It adds beauty and provides a shaded spot where you can relax, have friends over, or just enjoy some quiet time away from the busyness inside your home. A gazebo is especially good because it’s open, letting you enjoy your garden while staying cool under its roof. If you're unsure what to go for, this guide will tell you the difference between a pergola and a gazebo

    Another useful idea is to put in an outdoor shed. You can use it as an office, a place for arts and crafts, or even a workshop. This helps move some activities out of your house, freeing up space inside. It also helps keep work separate from your home life, which is helpful if you work from home.

    2 - Convert spaces

    A great way to add more space to your home without building new parts is to change underused areas like attics, basements, and garages into places you can live in. These spots can become bedrooms, offices, playrooms, or rooms for fun and entertainment, giving you extra space.

    Basements are great for big projects like home theaters, game rooms, or second living rooms because they are big and away from the main living areas. Good lights and air systems will make a dark, cold basement feel warm and welcoming.

    3 - Rearrange the layout

    Making small changes to how your home is set up can make it feel bigger and work better, without big renovations.

    First, think about how you move around in your home. Changing where furniture is placed or what each room is used for can make moving through your home smoother and make rooms feel larger. 

    Also, pay attention to where you put big pieces of furniture. Place them in a way that keeps space open and lets in plenty of natural light. For instance, don’t block windows with big furniture. Instead, set up chairs and sofas around windows to make the room feel brighter and more open.

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