Why Is My ZZ Plant Turning Yellow? Common Causes & Fixes

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By Daniela Klein

Updated: Mar 06, 2025

8 min read

Why Is My ZZ Plant Turning Yellow
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    The ZZ plant, formally known as "Zamioculcas Zamiifolia" is considered an easy-to-grow and maintain plant. ZZ plants, due to their low-maintenance feature, are loved by the new gardeners as well as by seasoned gardeners. However, the problem arises when gardeners take the plants for granted by completely ignoring them. The plant starts displaying its anger because of ignorance through yellow leaves. When ZZ plants turn yellow, it signifies improper care, which can be overwatering, underwatering, lack of sunlight, and many more. In this article we discuss more about the reasons for the ZZ plant turning yellow.

    Why Does the ZZ Plant Turn Yellow?

    The leaves of ZZ plants turn yellow when not cared for properly. If you want the plant to thrive, focus on its basic requirements, like water and light. It's not a fussy plant, so little care can make them happy, and in return, they'll fill the surroundings with their lush green leaves for a beautiful visual treat. Let's have a look at the reasons for ZZ plants turning yellow.

    Balanced Light

    ZZ plants undoubtedly need sunlight, but indirect sunlight. Exposing them to direct sunlight for too long can burn their leaves, turning them yellow. Similarly, lack of natural sunlight can also harm the plants; leaves may turn yellow and start to fall. The ZZ plants can survive in minimal light doesn't mean they can thrive in no-light conditions. All you have to do is ensure the plant gets balanced natural light. The best place is to keep them near the window where they can get bright and indirect light.


    ZZ Plant in a Cemented Pot
    Photo: @jiffyplants

    Overwatering is one of the primary causes of ZZ plant leaves turning yellow. The problems arising out of overwatering are not merely limited to the yellowing of leaves, but rather to other issues such as falling off of foliage, root rot, and attracting fungus. You should water the plants only when the soil feels dry on touching, else let the soil dry for some time.


    An improper, ZZ plant, watering schedule hampers the its growth, whether it's overwatering or underwatering. ZZ plants are tolerant to drought conditions. However, it doesn't mean they can bear the brunt of prolonged dryness. Underwatering for long periods can hamper the growth, turning leaves dry due to overstress.

    Pest Infestation

    Another reason for ZZ plants turning yellow is pest infestation, which is easily identifiable in the form of webbing on the leaves and small bugs likely caused by spider mites and mealybugs. Spider mites reach to the underside of the leaves, sucking all the nutrients. You should first shift the infected plant away from other plants to ensure it doesn't spread to healthy plants, and then carefully use pesticides to deal with pests.

    ZZ Plant in Black Pot
    Photo: @flowerlovers2022

    Overuse of Fertilizer

    Overuse of fertilizer can also make plants unhappy to which they react by developing yellow leaves. Add fertilizer only once or twice every year. As soon as you notice yellow leaves right after adding fertilizers, it's an indication of fertilizer overdose and also gives a long break to the plants from fertilizer.

    Lack of Nutrition

    Nutritional deficiencies are also one of the reasons for the yellow leaves of ZZ plants. Just like any other plant, ZZ plants, too, require balanced nutrition, be it potassium, magnesium, or iron, for robust growth. The fact is that old leaves get affected first due to nutritional deficiency. A deficiency of potassium causes yellow edges on the leaves, yellowing between veins of older leaves is due to magnesium deficiency, and newly grown leaves are affected by iron deficiency.

    Problem With the Roots

    ZZ Plant Roots
    Photo: @thatplantguyza

    When the root of the plant is too crowded due to lack of space, it suffocates the plant, resulting in yellow leaves. In such a case, you need to repot the ZZ plant in a bigger pot containing fresh and well-drained soil. The plant will revive to its original healthier form.

    Low Humidity

    Leaf drops and yellow leaves are caused due to inadequate humidity that begins with brown spotting on the leaves turning to yellow color. Ensure plants get adequate water and also spray water on the leaves to increase the humidity.

    Tips for Healthy ZZ Plants

    Here are some of the tips to grow healthy ZZ plants:

    • Maintain a watering schedule based on the plant's requirements, which further depend on the climate.

    • Keep the plant in a place where it gets bright and indirect sunlight.

    • Apply fertilizer as and when required to compensate for nutritional deficiency.

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