When you encounter roaches in your house, it gives you an awful feeling because roaches are known to spread disease. It’s not easy to find the exact reason for their way into your house, but it’s possible to show them exit with some home remedies, which we will discuss later in the article. Finding the right way to get rid of these dirty crawlers is essential. If you don’t want to spend on chemicals and are looking for a homemade solution, we have a fantastic way to deal with cockroaches. One of the best ways is garlic. Let’s find the answer to a common question: “Do roaches like garlic”?
What Attracts Cockroaches to Your Home?
Knowing why cockroaches attack your homes is the most vital step in avoiding infestation. This information will help you keep track of their attractions. Let’s have a look at those points.
Killing Roaches Attracts More Roaches
When you kill a cockroach, it releases acid that attracts other roaches to the area, resulting in more numbers. Insects and other cockroaches can smell the acid and find their way to the spot to eat the fallen friend when there is a dearth of food.
Dark Spots Give Roaches a Hiding Place
Cockroaches don’t like light and love hiding in dark areas where they can’t be seen. Keep a check on the undisturbed dark spots within your home to prevent their infiltration.
Roaches tend to get attracted to the areas with leaky taps, water spills, or open containers with liquid. Try to fix the issue and also check the bathroom, basement, and kitchen sink regularly to stop infiltration at an early stage as these places are more vulnerable.
Food Kept in the Open
The smell of food kept in the open attracts roaches to your home to enjoy the feast, so ensure there’s no open food kept. Maintain cleanliness on countertops and beds.
Seal the cracks and entryway because cockroaches squeeze through the cracks and enter the house.
Clutter All Around the House
Too much clutter gives cockroaches a perfect hiding space to thrive away from your eyes. To fight roach infiltration, try to keep your house clutter-free.
How to Use Garlic to Repel Cockroaches?

Garlic repels roaches and other insects, which means it doesn’t kill them but rather drives them away. Thus, merely placing garlic inside the house will not resolve the issue. In fact, it’ll be harmful to pets if they ingest it. You have to follow certain ways to use garlic cloves.
There are several ways to use garlic to keep roaches at bay because cockroaches hate garlic. One way to use garlic is to crush or cut it into small pieces and keep it in the area where you encounter their activities. The odor released from cloves keeps roaches away, forcing them to leave home permanently.
The second method is to make a paste of a considerable amount of garlic cloves mixed with vegetable oil or water, especially when you have to cover a larger part of the house and spread it directly in the areas with high activity of roaches.
The third and easiest method is to sprinkle garlic powder in the infiltrated area to release odor and keep those irritating crawling creatures away. However, you need a larger quantity of this powdery substance, and it also requires weekly replacement to maintain its impact.
The fourth and last option is to grow garlic plants in pots and place them indoors. This is a natural way to keep roaches out of the house and also to enhance the aesthetics.
Other Ways to Keep a Check on Roaches
Also Read: Does Fabuloso Kill Roaches? Exploring its Efficacy and Usage Tips
By now, you know that roaches hate the smell of garlic. In addition to garlic, roaches dislike lavender, citronella, eucalyptus, citrus, mint, and oregano, which can be used to show roaches the exit from your home.
You can grow lavender plants or spray lavender scent in the house, burn citronella candles in outdoor spaces, use eucalyptus in a diffuser at places where you notice roach activity, place lemon peels around the house, grow mint plants indoors, and spray oregano oil mixed with water around the infested areas.
Coffee grounds and baking soda can also be used to check the infestation of cockroaches. Mix baking soda with a pinch of sugar and keep it near the infested area. Cockroaches will come running to eat sugar and fall into your trap there. Sprinkle coffee grounds near the infested area and see the result because roaches hate the acid produced by coffee grounds.